Край света в центре Азии: Барнаул в романе Сергея Залыгина «После бури»

  • Alexander Ivanovich Kulyapin Altai State Pedagogical University Email: iskander58@mail.ru
Keywords: artistic space, myth, symbol, мотив, geopoetics


The city of Barnaul and the Ob River, on which it stands, appear in S. Zalygin’s last novel “After the Storm” (1982-1985) under two names at once: actually as “Barnaul” and “Ob”, but mainly as “Aul” and “River”. Replacing the real Barnaul with a fictional “Aul” is designed to emphasize the transition from geographical to metaphysical space. The novel takes place in an existential chronotope: the inhabitants of the city “Aul” live “on the border between being and not being.” Zalygin skillfully plays up facts from the real history of Barnaul, turning them into elements of a geopoetic myth. The peculiarity of the Zalyginsky “Aul” is that it is “Europe in Asia” and “Asia in Europe”. Here the twentieth century is adjacent to the Middle Ages. However, in 1917, rich in revolutionary upheavals, the fragile balance of power was disrupted. The hope for the feasibility of the Eurasian synthesis burned down in the fire of a catastrophic fire, which was caused in Barnaul-Aul by the chief city fire chief. It is noteworthy that “the only Horror Book in the world” is being created in the “Aul”. A city located on the “border of two worlds – the known and the unknown” turns out to be the most suitable place to store it.


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Author Biography

Alexander Ivanovich Kulyapin, Altai State Pedagogical University

доктор филологических наук, профессор


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How to Cite
Kulyapin A. I. Край света в центре Азии: Барнаул в романе Сергея Залыгина «После бури» // Philology & Human, 2023, № 4. P. 182-203 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2023)4-12. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/pm/article/view/13490.
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