From Word to Term: Features of the French Lexical Unit terme in the Comparative Aspect

  • Denis Zolotukhin Université Paris Cité Email:
Keywords: metalanguag


The article describes the lexical and semantic features of the French unit terme which expresses the concept of a scientific term. This unit with high frequency is considered inside the system of lexical-semantic and conceptual relations with other units of the French language, the use of which is not limited to the linguistic field, as well as in comparison with Russian lexical units used to express corresponding and related concepts. Based on dictionary definitions and contextual usage in articles on linguistics, the polysemy and homonymy of this unit is demonstrated. The primacy of spatio-temporal characteristics in the conceptual structure correlated with the semantic structure of terme is indicated. Based on the analysis of Russian-language texts on terminology and the translation of F. de Saussure’s French-language texts, the difficulty in translating this unit into Russian is shown, and therefore, translation strategies are proposed in order to take into account the asymmetry of the French and Russian metalinguistic systems.


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Author Biography

Denis Zolotukhin , Université Paris Cité
кандидат филологических наук  исследователь лаборатории истории лингвистических теорий 


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How to Cite
Zolotukhin D. From Word to Term: Features of the French Lexical Unit terme in the Comparative Aspect // Philology & Human, 2024, № 2. P. 179-187 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2024)2-13. URL:
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