Fractal Self-Organization Model of Contexts with Syntactical Convergence

  • Галина Федоровна Коваленко Тихоокеанский государственный университет (Хабаровск) Email:
Keywords: syntactical convergence, parallelism, linguosynergetics, fractals, the “flower” self-organization model, textual space


The article is devoted to the study of textual syntactical convergence space in linguo-synergetic aspect on the material of I. Stone’s feature essay «California». The analysis of the converged contexts shows that the convergence of syntactical stylistic devices is based on the fractal principal or the principal of recurrence and interaction according to which the number of self-similar structures appear. The «flower» fractal model is correlated with the textual convergence space built on parallelism. Identification of the self-organization models in the textual space with syntactical convergence is important in decoding the meaning of the content, because it allows the reader to have a visual representation of similar elements holding certain invariant senses in the whole system. New senses are born as a result of interaction of fractals representing situations from the reality described by the author and those revealing his attitude towards those situations. It is the first time and this article the “flower” fractal model has ever been described.


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Author Biography

Галина Федоровна Коваленко, Тихоокеанский государственный университет (Хабаровск)

кандидат филологических наук, доцент 


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How to Cite
Коваленко Г. Ф. Fractal Self-Organization Model of Contexts with Syntactical Convergence // Philology & Human, 2018, № 1. P. 131-138. URL:
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