Notes on the Internet-Critique as an Object of Research

  • Сергей Алексеевич Медведев Алтайский государственный университет, экспертно-криминалистический центр ГУ МВД России по Алтайскому краю Email:
Keywords: Internet-critique, Internet-communication, development of the genre


The genre of the critique is not monolithic in its traditional communicative space outside the Internet communication. On the Internet, the critique continues to show and develop its variability. By analogy with printed sources, in the Internet communication it is possible to divide critiques of quality («thick journal») and mass («newspaper»), which can also be divided into several types with their characteristic features. However, there is a third type of critique that does not have a clear analogue outside the Internet - a "free" critique, which is distinguished primarily by the lack of regulations and requirements for the proficiency of the reviewer. It is this kind of critique that has more variability and clearly demonstrates the peculiar features of the Internet-communication. In addition, communication through "free" critique allows us to trace the changes in the interaction between the author, the reader and the reviewer, which is of importance for the development of communication studies and literature.


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Author Biography

Сергей Алексеевич Медведев, Алтайский государственный университет, экспертно-криминалистический центр ГУ МВД России по Алтайскому краю

аспирант, специалист-эксперт отдела фоноскопических экспертиз 


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How to Cite
Медведев С. А. Notes on the Internet-Critique as an Object of Research // Philology & Human, 2018, № 1. P. 139-144. URL:
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