To the Methodology for Describing the Typology of Internet-Critique

  • Сергей Алексеевич Медведев Экспертно-криминалистический центр ГУ МВД России по Алтайскому краю Email:
Keywords: internet-communication, internet-critique, typological description of genres


The article deals with the basic principles of the typological description of internet–critique. Critique has got some variations in internet–communication. Some of them are significantly different from the traditional view of this genre. The relevance of the research and the need for a detailed description of internet–critique are due to several factors. The main ones are the prevalence, variability of this genre and its influence on communication between the Author and the Reader of the artistic text. Internet–critique is a genre of internet–communication, which originated from the traditional genre under the influence of the medium of communication. A large number of forms and variants of internet–critique requires their multifaceted research. This is possible to do with the typologizing of this genre. The method of typological description was used by researchers to characterize the genres of communication. However, the genres of internet–communication are not yet described in this way.


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Author Biography

Сергей Алексеевич Медведев , Экспертно-криминалистический центр ГУ МВД России по Алтайскому краю

специалист-эксперт отдела фоноскопических экспертиз


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How to Cite
Медведев С. А. To the Methodology for Describing the Typology of Internet-Critique // Philology & Human, 2017, № 4. P. 121-127. URL:
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