The Influence of Socio-Political Context on the Language World Perception of Rock and Pop Musicians

  • Алена Игоревна Михайлова Омский государственный педагогический университет Email:
Keywords: song lyrics, rock music, pop music, popular music, language world perception


The article deals with the vocal work in which the song text is considered and studied as an intersemiotic product of mass culture, and the need for a comprehensive review of this phenomenon. The author is primarily interested in the cultural, political and social context of the formation of a language world perception of rock and pop musicians. The interrelationship of music and politics, as well as the reaction of pop culture and rock (it originally positioned himself as a counterculture) to meaningful social changes and their ways of reflection in the song text are presented in the article. Examples of speech formulas that are characteristic of a rapidly developing pop culture are given. The author compares the texts of two styles (and also from one to another) from the point of view of the presence of the motif of patriotism / statehood and associative connections of this concept, social orientation and vocabulary.The question of the influence of ideology on the musical text and some axiological aspects of music are touched upon.


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Author Biography

Алена Игоревна Михайлова , Омский государственный педагогический университет

аспирант кафедры русского языка и лингводидактики 


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How to Cite
Михайлова А. И. The Influence of Socio-Political Context on the Language World Perception of Rock and Pop Musicians // Philology & Human, 2017, № 4. P. 148-155. URL:
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