Comparative Analysis of the Structural and Semantic Features of Terminological Units of Professionally Oriented Discourse (on the Material of the English Language)

  • Ekaterina Miletova Pyatigorsk State University Email:
  • Olga Litvishko Pyatigorsk State University Email:
Keywords: English,, model of terms,, structure of terms, one-component / two-component / multi-component terms, art, religion, law


The article is devoted to the analysis of structural features of terms in the spheres of art, religion and law. The material of the research includes art-related texts from the journal The Artist, religion-related texts from the journal Faith and Philosophy published in the Internet, texts of the decisions of International Court of Justice presented in the official website of the Court. The authors speak about the existence of a universal classification of terms according to which terms can be classified into one-component, two-component and multi-component ones. The article presents a comparative analysis of terminological systems of art, religion and law. The results of the empirical research proved that the sphere of art is represented by one-component terms, verbalized by nouns, two-component terms expressed by a combination adjective + noun, multi-component terms consisting of three and more lexemes. The terminological system of religion is represented by one-component and two-component terms, expressed by analogous part-of-speech models. Terminological system of law also employs one-component terms expressed both by nouns and verbs, two-component terms represented by various structural models, multi-component terms.


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Cambridge Dictionary. URL:

Free online English dictionary by Babylon. URL:

Legal Dictionary. URL:

Merriam-Webster Dictionary. URL:

Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries. URL:

Sources of Examples

Application of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Ukraine v. Russian Federation). URL:

Faith and Philosophy. Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers. URL:

Faith and Philosophy. Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers. URL:

Faith and Philosophy. Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers. URL:

Jadhav Case (India v. Pakistan). URL:

The Artist. URL:

How to Cite
Miletova E., Litvishko O. Comparative Analysis of the Structural and Semantic Features of Terminological Units of Professionally Oriented Discourse (on the Material of the English Language) // Philology & Human, 2021, № 1. P. 49-67 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2021)1-04. URL:
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