Representation of the concept of 'stubbornness' in the Bashkir language

  • Zulfiya Sharafutdinova Order Badge of Honor Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences Email:
Keywords: stubborn, dialect, speech behavior, nomination motive, Bashkir language


This article analyzes the lexical and phraseological units that represent the concept of ‘stubbornness’ in the Bashkir language and its dialects. The sources of the research were the materials presented in the “Machine Fund of the Bashkir Language” ( In the course of the analysis, the semantic connection between the meanings of polysemous lexemes is revealed, the main motives of the nominations are revealed. Special attention is paid to names formed on the basis of transfer of values. The multiplicity of nominations proves the importance of this parameter for native speakers It is established that the main composition of the lexemes of this group has a pejorative assessment. This is due to the fact that the attention of others is attracted by deviations from the norm and cultural speech behavior always goes unnoticed. The images through which the linguistic portrait of a stubborn person is built reflect the peculiarities of the worldview of the Bashkir people. The study of the lexico-semantic group 'stubbornness' allows you to create an idea of one of the fragments of the linguistic picture of the world.


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How to Cite
Sharafutdinova Z. Representation of the concept of ’stubbornness’ in the Bashkir language // Philology & Human, 2021, № 4 DOI: 10.14258/(2021)4-09. URL:
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