Text Fragmentation in the novel “Troubled Blood” by Robert Galbraith

  • Tatiana Tatiana Osadchaya Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky Email: osadchaya_ta@mail.ru
  • Galina Lushnikova Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky Email: lushgal@mail.ru
Keywords: text fragmentation in fiction, contemporary detective novel, R. Galbraith


The article examines specifics of fragmentation in contemporary works of fiction. Identifying elements that connect heterogeneous episodes or fragments can reshape readers’ experience and serve as a key for interpretation. The analysis of the detective novel “Troubled Blood” by R. Galbraith has demonstrated that fragmentation is realized at different text levels and in different compositional and stylistic forms, namely, within the categories of temporality and locality, in the development of plot lines, within the categories of description and reasoning, in dialogues, polylogues, internal monologues. The category of intertextuality plays a special role in the fragmentation of the novel under study. Non-linear narrative, intended lack of chronological and psychological sequence serve to effectively introduce the main focus of detective fiction – suspense and puzzle-solving; these literary devices also contribute to its unique narrative perspective.


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How to Cite
Tatiana Osadchaya T., Lushnikova G. Text Fragmentation in the novel “Troubled Blood” by Robert Galbraith // Philology & Human, 2021, № 4 DOI: 10.14258/(2021)4-16. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/pm/article/view/9661.
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