Linguo-Cognitive Essence of Relations in Dialect World View of Kuban Region Inhabitants (Based on the Example of Blood Relatives Microfield) (Part 1).

  • Lyudmila Kostina Kuban State University Email:
  • Borisova Olga Kuban State University Email:
Keywords: cognitive dialectology, dialect world view, conceptual microfield «Blood relatives», ethnocultural specifics, Kuban dialects


The first part of the article deals with the description of the linguo-cognitive essence of blood relatives’ relations in the dialect world view of the Kuban region inhabitants through revealing some specific character of connotive content of Blood Relatives microfield representatives. The research is synchronous and diachronous, as well. As a result, it reflects the dynamics of some Blood Relatives microfield representatives and no development of others. Moreover, its ethnical identity consists of the grandparents :: grandchildren binary opposition, which is absent in the literary language. It is based on priority ranking (formed in the mind of dialect carriers) of time assessment in Cossack reference system. It reveals the dual nature of relations between grandparents and grandchildren in the Kuban sub-dialect carriers’ perception. And it discovers the dialect nominations which have no counterparts in the lexical-phraseological system of literary language and which demonstrate the conceptualization of corresponding notions in the mind of Kuban region inhabitants.


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How to Cite
Kostina L., Olga B. Linguo-Cognitive Essence of Relations in Dialect World View of Kuban Region Inhabitants (Based on the Example of Blood Relatives Microfield) (Part 1). // Philology & Human, 2022, № 1. P. 22-37 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2022)1-02. URL:
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