The Аuthor's Picture of the World in the Lyrics of Karan Koshev

  • Margarita Dedina Gorno-Altai State University Email:
Keywords: lyrics, author's picture of the world, art world, Altai, native land, history, nostalgia, fate


. The article is devoted to the study of the artistic originality of the lyrics of the famous Altai writer Karan Koshev. The subject of the study is an individual author's picture of the world, based both on the traditional worldview and worldview, and on subjective ideas and philosophical understanding of the surrounding space, history and fate by the author. K. Koshev's lyrics often reflect real events from the writer's life, his reflection on certain episodes, and in the lyrical hero, a civil engineer, the author himself is guessed. K. Koshev's poems are the first poems in the Altai lyrics that depict the image of a harsh northern region. Altai, as the embodiment of a native land, became for the poet a center of attraction, an endless source for study and an object requiring careful treatment. The understanding of the finiteness of earthly existence and thoughts about eternity pierce all the lyrical creativity of the poet with a through thread. Deep knowledge in history, physics, mathematics, passion for literature and philosophy, allowed K. Koshev to create a unique, mysterious and peculiar world in his artistic work, which became a reflection of the author's subjective perception of external and internal being.


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How to Cite
Dedina M. The Аuthor’s Picture of the World in the Lyrics of Karan Koshev // Philology & Human, 2023, № 1. P. 39-54 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2023)1-03. URL:
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