The Land Issuein the Poetry of S. Yakshigulov and Sh. Babich.

  • Лариса Хашимовна Абдуллина Институт истории, языка и литературы Уфимского федерального исследовательского центра РАН Email:
Keywords: enlightenment, Bashkir poetry, historical period, revolution, national movement


The article describes the origins of Bashkir enlightenment literature, the influence of democratic ideas of the late XIX century, in particular the influence of M. Akmulla’s works on Bashkir poetry. Separately is discussed the enlightenment work of Bashkir poet Safuan Yakshigulov and his becoming the educator. The article compares the views of the national poets Sh. Babich and S. Yakshigylov on the problem of looting of Bashkir lands. There is some information about Sh. Babich, whose works are studied better than the poetry of S. Yakshigulov. While more attention is paid to the analysis of poems by S. Yakshigylov. It is concluded that poets-educators were pioneers of national movements and educational reforms of the beginning of the twentieth century. The article deals with the study of enlightenment poetry, more precisely, with the understanding of the land issue in the works of two Bashkir poets of the early twentieth century. This article also assesses socio-political problems, such as the tsarist colonial policy, the land issue, and social inequality in society. Democratic transformations in various areas of spiritual and cultural life of the country are considered from the perspective of Bashkir educational poetry.


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Author Biography

Лариса Хашимовна Абдуллина, Институт истории, языка и литературы Уфимского федерального исследовательского центра РАН



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How to Cite
Абдуллина Л. Х. The Land Issuein the Poetry of S. Yakshigulov and Sh. Babich. // Philology & Human, 2020, № 2. P. 151-159 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2020)2-13. URL:
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