UDC 635.21: 543.645.3: 581.192

  • Anastasiya Vladimirovna Semenova All-Russian Research Institute of Starch and Starch-Containing Raw Materials Processing – Branch of Russian Potato Research Centre Email:
  • Vladimir Georgiyevich Gol'dshteyn All-Russian Research Institute of Starch and Starch-Containing Raw Materials Processing – Branch of Russian Potato Research Centre Email:
  • Vladimir Alekseyevich Degtyarev All-Russian Research Institute of Starch and Starch-Containing Raw Materials Processing – Branch of Russian Potato Research Centre Email:
  • Anastasiya Alekseyevna Morozova All-Russian Research Institute of Starch and Starch-Containing Raw Materials Processing – Branch of Russian Potato Research Centre Email:
  • Lidiya Borisovna Kuzina All-Russian Research Institute of Starch and Starch-Containing Raw Materials Processing – Branch of Russian Potato Research Centre Email:
Keywords: potato, by-products from potato, plant secondary metabolites, plant protection, concentration, multiplicity of extraction, hydromodulus, temperature, extraction duration


The peel of a potato contains many biologically active compounds of various directions, which can be extracted for further use. The peel contains the largest amount of steroidal glycoalkaloids (SGAs) of potato, the extraction of which may be interesting for protecting plants from pests, as well as for the development of pharmaceuticals. The article studied the mechanisms that affect the accumulation and activity of SGAs in plants. Possibilities of their isolation from the potato peel by the acid method with the study of the effect of extraction factors on the yield of SGAs were studied. The object of the study was potato varieties Nakra and Kometa with the content of SGAs 422 and 251 mg/kg of potatoes. The concentration of compounds that passed into the solution was estimated by the spectrophotometric method. The possibility of reusing extracts on new peel masses has been established. When the extracts were concentrated by evaporation, the content of SGAsin them increased markedly. As a result of acid extraction, 200–1000 mg of SGAs/kg of peel (0.20–0.60 mg of SGAs/ml of extract) were extracted. Нydromodulus is a significant factor of acid extraction of SGAs. However, acid concentration and temperature can also influence the extraction process. The most optimal parameters for the process of extraction of steroidal glycoalkaloids with dilute sulfuric acid were established: acid hydromodulus 2.3, temperature 55 °C, acid concentration 0.1%, and extraction duration 30 min.


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Author Biographies

Anastasiya Vladimirovna Semenova, All-Russian Research Institute of Starch and Starch-Containing Raw Materials Processing – Branch of Russian Potato Research Centre

младший научный сотрудник

Vladimir Georgiyevich Gol'dshteyn, All-Russian Research Institute of Starch and Starch-Containing Raw Materials Processing – Branch of Russian Potato Research Centre

кандидат технических наук, заведующий отделом, ведущий научный сотрудник

Vladimir Alekseyevich Degtyarev, All-Russian Research Institute of Starch and Starch-Containing Raw Materials Processing – Branch of Russian Potato Research Centre

заведующий лабораторией технологии переработки картофеля, старший научный сотрудник

Anastasiya Alekseyevna Morozova, All-Russian Research Institute of Starch and Starch-Containing Raw Materials Processing – Branch of Russian Potato Research Centre

младший научный сотрудник

Lidiya Borisovna Kuzina, All-Russian Research Institute of Starch and Starch-Containing Raw Materials Processing – Branch of Russian Potato Research Centre

заведующая лабораторией технологии модификации крахмала, аспирант


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How to Cite
1. Semenova A. V., Gol’dshteyn V. G., Degtyarev V. A., Morozova A. A., Kuzina L. B. ISOLATION OF STEROIDAL GLYCOALKALOIDS FROM POTATO PEEL BY ACID EXTRACTION // chemistry of plant raw material, 2023. № 2. P. 269-278. URL:
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