UDC 615.322:543.422.3

  • Yakov Petrovich Moiseev Penza State University Email: moiseeva_pharm@mail.ru
  • Evgeniy Evgen'yevich Kurdyukov Penza State University Email: e.e.kurdyukov@mail.ru
  • Aleksandr Vladimirovich Mitishev Penza State University Email: smitishev@mail.ru
  • Ol'ga Aleksandrovna Vodop'yanova Penza State University Email: ol.vodopjanova@yandex.ru
  • Olesya Petrovna Rodina Penza State University Email: rodina.olesya2010@yandex.ru
  • Elena Vladimirovna Zhuchenko Penza State University Email: lenochek_zhuchenko@mail.ru
Keywords: Lycium Chinese, saponins, escin, spectrophotometry, quantitative determination


The objects of the study were Mature dried fruits of Chinese birch (Lycium chinense Mill., this. Solanaceae (Solanaceae)). Four samples were examined: no. 1 (Gifts of Pamir, Russia), no. 2 (Gullin Tianhe Pharmaceutical, China), no. 3 (A. J. Alliance, Russia), №. 4 (Globaltorg, Russia). The purpose of this work is to determine the content of the sum of saponins in Chinese fruit trees by spectrophotometry.

By direct spectrophotometry, after reaction with concentrated sulfuric acid, the content of the sum of saponins in the raw material of Chinese wood was determined. The expediency of using the spectrophotometric method for quantitative determination of saponins in extracts from the fruit of Chinese wood is proved. The values of the optical density of the saponin solution were recorded at a wavelength of 250-500 nm. Analytical maxima of the studied compounds were determined at 325 nm typical for escin. Optimal conditions for the extraction of saponins from the raw materials of this plant (extractant – 40% ethanol; the ratio "raw material – extractant" – 1 : 50; extraction time – 90 minutes; the degree of grinding of raw materials – 0.5 mm) are justified. It was determined that the error of a single determination of the saponin content in Chinese fruit with a confidence probability of 95% is ±1.93%. It was found that the content of saponins in the studied samples of Chinese wood varies in the range of 4.94 to 5.03%.


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Author Biographies

Yakov Petrovich Moiseev, Penza State University


Evgeniy Evgen'yevich Kurdyukov, Penza State University

кандидат фармацевтических наук, доцент кафедры общей и клинической фармакологии

Aleksandr Vladimirovich Mitishev, Penza State University

старший преподаватель кафедры общей и клинической фармакологии

Ol'ga Aleksandrovna Vodop'yanova, Penza State University

кандидат медицинских наук, доцент кафедры общей и клинической фармакологии

Olesya Petrovna Rodina, Penza State University

кандидат медицинских наук, доцент, доцент кафедры общей и клинической фармакологии

Elena Vladimirovna Zhuchenko, Penza State University

ассистент кафедры общей и клинической фармакологии


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How to Cite
1. Moiseev Y. P., Kurdyukov E. E., Mitishev A. V., Vodop’yanova O. A., Rodina O. P., Zhuchenko E. V. SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC DETERMINATION OF THE SUM OF SAPONINS IN THE FRUIT OF THE CHINESE TREE LYCIUM CHINENSE MILL. // chemistry of plant raw material, 2021. № 2. P. 123-128. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/cw/article/view/8771.
Low-molecular weight compounds