The Gospel Text and Its Role in the Formation of the Literary Plot (The Idiot by F. M. Dostoevsky and Doctor Zhivago by B. L. Pasternak)

  • Nuri Jannat Novosibirsk State University; Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali, Bangladesh. Email:
Keywords: Bible, image, christo-centric focus, motif, Christ, Mary Magdalene


The analysis of any literary text containing biblical motifs has repeatedly attracted the attention of researchers. The purpose of this article is to examine the gospel plot, highlight its invariant properties and find out how F. M. Dostoevsky and B. L. Pasternak use archetypal motifs that allow these images to fit into the Christo-centric structure of both works. This structure is based on associations related to the relationship between Christ and Mary Magdalene and the forming complex of motifs: beauty, fall, suffering, spiritual transformation and resurrection for a new life. In addition to such archetypal motifs, both authors use motifs that go beyond the scope of the evangelical text, including the motifs of childlike innocence, light and the railway, which set the main coordinates of the formation of heroes. Hence, it is shown that the interaction of two groups of motifs provides the dynamics of the development of the literary plot of the novels The Idiot and Doctor Zhivago.


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How to Cite
Jannat N. The Gospel Text and Its Role in the Formation of the Literary Plot (The Idiot by F. M. Dostoevsky and Doctor Zhivago by B. L. Pasternak) // Philology & Human, 2022, № 3. P. 77-92 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2022)3-06. URL:
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