The cognitive strategies used to translate the specific features of PR discourse in “Boomsday” by Christopher Buckley

  • Maria Oberyukhtina Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Email:
Keywords: PR, concept, cognitive strategies, translation, novel


The article claims translation to be one of the most important cognitive operations and looks into how various cognitive translation strategies are applied to make Christopher Buckley`s satirical prose produce the same impact on the reader in the Russian translation of the novel – namely, those of dominant (prevailing) meaning, the conceptual analysis, and cognitive matrix analysis. The author focuses on how the aforementioned strategies used in the translated version of the text of the novel help to reveal some widely known and broadly accepted concepts the novelist seeks to play upon in his literary work. The article also provides an etymological analysis of some lexical units, which helps to understand that the translator uses lexical means different from those in the original text. Some examples of not exactly adequate translation are illustrated in order to show how the translator uses various cognitive strategies so as to emphasize the novel.


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How to Cite
Oberyukhtina M. The cognitive strategies used to translate the specific features of PR discourse in “Boomsday” by Christopher Buckley // Philology & Human, 2022, № 3. P. 151-157 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2022)3-12. URL:
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