Difficulties in the Development of Genre and Style Subcompetence among Frst-years of Non-philological Profiles

  • Марина Алексеевна Южанникова Siberian Federal University Email: yuzhannikova@mail.ru
Keywords: teaching methods in high school, speech science, functional styles, stylistics, genre and stylistic competence


The article describes requirements for communication competencies of a university graduate, in particular, for the genre and style sub-competence. Further listed and described are the difficulties which a lecturer in the higher educational institution may encounter, while developing the sub-competence in first-year non-philologists. These are, first of all, shortcomings of the layout of the course program, in which, as a rule, almost no time is planned for the analysis of characteristics of language styles and the development of oral proficiency in business and scientific styles, next, the consequences of a poor training of style at secondary school, finally, the lack of students' knowledge of the stylistics terminology, which leads to erroneous ideas about the structure of the stylistic system of the modern Russian literary language and an underdevelopment of students' language intuition. In addition, the article suggests some ways of eliminating the indicated difficulties.




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How to Cite
Южанникова М. А. Difficulties in the Development of Genre and Style Subcompetence among Frst-years of Non-philological Profiles // Philology & Human, 2022, № 4. P. 190-197 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2022)4-15. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/pm/article/view/12029.
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