English by Digital Printing as a Form of Visual Language and an Alternative Way of Communication (in the Inscriptions and Prints on Clothing and Footwear)

  • Alla Eduardovna Efremova ФГБОУ ВО Забайкальский государственный университет Email: allapersona@mail.ru
Keywords: alternative communication, English, digital printing, visual language, globalization


The article considers the inalienable attributes of a person in modern society - clothes and shoes with inscriptions in English – as a phenomenon of "talking clothes". This phenomenon is studied from the point of view of the interaction of language and culture in postmodernism as one of the new ways of global communication, as a way of transmitting messages, ideas, verbal and non-verbal, as a visual language using digital printing technologies. The author analyses the existence of common elements of Jacobson and Lotman’s communicative model and the model of indirect communication through the perception of prints\inscriptions on clothing; two directions of the communication channel described by Jacobson and Lotman are justified and confirmed by the illustrative examples.



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How to Cite
Efremova A. E. English by Digital Printing as a Form of Visual Language and an Alternative Way of Communication (in the Inscriptions and Prints on Clothing and Footwear) // Philology & Human, 2023, № 2. P. 63-79 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2023)2-05. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/pm/article/view/12588.
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