Semiotics of dacha space in novel by D. Bobyleva "Vyurki"

  • Irina Mikhaylovna Klokova Altai State Pedagogical University Email:
Keywords: horror genre, post-folklore, space structure, «noise immunity», hero of the «path», hero of the «steppe»


The article discusses semiotics of the suburban “dacha” space in D. Bobyleva’s horror novel “Vyurki”.  Bobyleva constructs the closed world of a country village in accordance with the provisions of Yu.M. Lotman on the semiotics of artistic space and time. The typology of the novel's heroes in essential aspects coincides with his teaching about the hero of the “path” and hero of the "steppe". The paper outlines the connection of the modern Russian horror genre with the concept of "post-folklore" by S.Yu. Neklyudov. It is an intermediate modern subculture, blurring the traditional boundaries of town and village and complicating the classical "nature/culture" dichotomy. The space of a discrete, fragmented dacha settlement into separate sections corresponds to the border status of the post-folklore with its polycentricity. This work examines the connection between modern Russian horror and post-folklore genre. It also explores a complex model of crossing the borders of the cultural zones in the other world and in this world through the movement of characters, and how this collision provides the horror effect.



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Библиографический список

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How to Cite
Klokova I. M. Semiotics of dacha space in novel by D. Bobyleva "Vyurki" // Philology & Human, 2023, № 2. P. 173-181 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2023)2-14. URL:
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