Siberia as a space of (anti)utopia in the work of V. Sorokin

  • Tatiana Aleksandrovna Bogumil Altai State Pedagogical University Email:
Keywords: Siberian text, intertext, image of Altai, Telluria, Doctor Garin, S. D. Krzhizhanovsky


The space of Siberia and Altai, being a traditional locus for placing (anti)utopias, is naturally used by V. Sorokin as an experimental base for historical, cultural and social models. The object of study in this work is the Siberian text of Sorokin, with an emphasis on the image of Altai. The subject of the research is Siberian utopian motifs and chronotopes. The purpose of the article is to designate the author's transformation of motifs and images that are canonical for the Siberian text and have a utopian component. Sorokin's Siberia is value-differentiated, it contains ambivalent uterine-utopian loci that generate or destroy a certain value (substance / object / creature), which in turn is saving or destructive for the character. Altai is usually associated with positive meanings. A way out of the post-apocalyptic retro-futuristic (anti)utopian world into a space less speculative and perfect, but more real is planned.


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How to Cite
Bogumil T. A. Siberia as a space of (anti)utopia in the work of V. Sorokin // Philology & Human, 2023, № 4. P. 204-214 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2023)4-13. URL:
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