The Relationship between Human and Artificial Intelligence in Victor Pelevin's Novels “S.N.U.F.F.”, “iPhuck 10”, “TRANSHUMANISM Inc.”

  • Gul'nara Monerovna Altynbayeva Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky Email:
Keywords: V. Pelevin,, S.N.U.F.F., iPhuck 10, TRANSHUMANISM INC., artificial intelligence in literature, humanism in literature


The article analyzes V.O. Pelevin’s view on the human and artificial intelligence interaction and highlights the risks of digitalization that the writer identifies. The article also attempts to answer two questions: what are the permissible limits of the influence machines and networks exert on human life and future and is there a way out of global dependence on artificial intelligence? Pelevin presents a satirical portrait of modern society; draws attention to the ways of salvation from total machine dependence; shows prospects and risks of the XXI century “new humanism”. The research has revealed five main similarities which identify Pelevin’s idea of the relationship between man and artificial intelligence. The theme is presented at the plot, problem-thematic and stylistic levels. Special attention is paid to Pelevin’s moral and philosophical reflections. The research is based on  three Pelevin’s novels: “S.N.U.F.F.”, “iPhuck 10”, “TRANSHUMANISM Inc.”.


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How to Cite
Altynbayeva G. M. The Relationship between Human and Artificial Intelligence in Victor Pelevin’s Novels “S.N.U.F.F.”, “iPhuck 10”, “TRANSHUMANISM Inc.” // Philology & Human, 2023, № 4. P. 215-225 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2025)4-14. URL:
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