Symbolism of Numbers in Numeral Phraseological Units of the Russian and Chinese languages

  • Olga Bulgakova Kemerovo State University Email:
Keywords: numeral phraseological units, comparative analysis, linguoculture, cultural subtext, intercultural communication


The article highlights the results of the analysis of the symbolic potential of numbers in Russian and Chinese phraseological units. The phraseological units of each language reflect the process of development of the national culture: beliefs, cultural values, stereotypes. Numerical phraseological units comprehensively reflect the mentality of the Russian and Chinese peoples: with the help of numbers, the personal characteristics of a person are expressed. The world functioning and its processes are described. Comparison of phraseological units of different languages allows us to identify common and unique features of categorization and conceptualization in linguistic pictures of the world. A comparative analysis of the specifics of the categorization of reality in these lexical units showed that they clearly reflect the specifics of the linguistic worldviews of these peoples. Their symbolic potential has both similarities and differences, which should be taken into account in the process of intercultural communication.


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How to Cite
Bulgakova O. Symbolism of Numbers in Numeral Phraseological Units of the Russian and Chinese languages // Philology & Human, 2024, № 1. P. 87-97 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2024)1-06. URL:
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