Aesthetics and Principles of Neorealism in Dave Eggers’ A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
This article discusses the basics of neorealism aesthetics and principles, which can be traced in a number of works of contemporary fiction. These principles are specifically manifested in the novel by a contemporary American writer D. Eggers A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius which is under study in the article. Its purpose is to analyze the ways in which the aesthetics and principles of neorealism are implemented in the novel and to demonstrate that neorealist tendencies are typical for the documentary fiction prose. The analysis has shown that the novel by D. Eggers contains such features as a certain type of mimesis; collaboration of the author and the reader in the reality construction; traditional for autobiographies and memoirs themes of family, friendship, and responsibility; the presence of romantic and realistic motives; post-irony, combining postmodern irony and deep sincerity, creating a positive image of the main character.
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