. Goethe, Walter Scott, Manzoni and and Italian Romantics. Traditions of Historical Literature

(to the 275th Anniversary of J.-W. Goethe)

  • Margarita Cherepennikova Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky Email: chrita@rambler.ru
Keywords: Goethe, Walter Scott, Manzoni, historical literature, traditions and continuity, Italian romantics


The article deals with the traditions in the genres of historical poem, drama, novel, considered within the works by Goethe, Scott, Manzoni and romantic writers of Italy of the I century. The problem of historical genres development is studied in the context of the change of aesthetic paradigms of Classicism and omanticism. The novelty of the research is determined by the importance of Goethe heritage in the formation of literary and historical concepts of the English novelist W. Scott and the Italian writer . Manzoni, the author of the novel The Betrothed, which became a sample of historical prose. The role of Goethe's reminiscences in the development of the Italian literary tradition, the continuity of ideas, motives, concepts in historical literature of England, Germany and Italy of the omantic era, as well as the evolutionary processes in the poetics and aesthetics of the authors influenced by Goethe are under research.



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Author Biography

Margarita Cherepennikova, Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky

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How to Cite
Cherepennikova M. . Goethe, Walter Scott, Manzoni and and Italian Romantics. Traditions of Historical Literature // Philology & Human, 2024, № 4. P. 50-66 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2024)4-04. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/pm/article/view/15269.
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