Metaphorical Interpretation of the Archetypical Concept of DARKNESS in the Literary Discourse of T. Pratchett

Keywords: metaphor, concept, archetype, archetypical metaphor, diaphora, opposition “light — darkness”


The article presents a metaphorical interpretation of the archetypal concept of DNESS as a component of the opposition "light - darkness" in the artistic discourse of Terry Pratchett. In the classical view, a metaphor is motivated by the similarity of two objects belonging to different classes. However, metaphorical transfer is not always motivated by a system of generally accepted associations. Similarity, being a subjective category, it is not constant and can be subject to gradation. The conducted analysis allowed us to assert that the strongest connection between the compared objects is observed in the so-called archetypal metaphors, andthe least - in the original author's metaphors and diaphors, which make sense only in a certain situational context. In the artistic discourse of T. Pratchett, the basis for metaphorical transfer is unconventional associative connections embodied by the author in unhackneyed metaphors and diaphors. The author endows this concept with anthropomorphic features and positive characteristics and thereby changes the connotation from  negative to neutral and positive, which does not correspond to the concept of the DNESS archetype.



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Author Biography

Rahim Muryasov, Ufa University of Science and Technology

доктор филологических наук, профессор



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How to Cite
Muryasov R., Bakiev A. Metaphorical Interpretation of the Archetypical Concept of DARKNESS in the Literary Discourse of T. Pratchett // Philology & Human, 2024, № 4. P. 150-157 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2024)4-12. URL:
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