Bashkir Folk Epos in the Artistic Interpretation in the Russian Literature of the XIX century: Culturological Aspect
The article attempts to consider the acute problem of the Bashkir-Russian folklore and literary links in the context of literary and cultural studies, and the folk epos and its related historical and cultural peculiarities as an object of cultural anthropology through the eyes of Russian writers of the 19th century. In order to solve the problem in this context, we took over the task of showing the mechanism for the transition of the national epos to foreign soil on the example of some folklore motifs and characters, reflecting the features of the artistic and aesthetic reinterpretation of traditional motifs and characters in a foreign cultural interpretation and so on. Historical, comparative, intertextual, hermeneutical methods of research were used to achieve the set goal and objectives. Consideration of the problem of the artistic usage of the Bashkir epic works Kuzykurpes and Mayan-khylu and Zayatulyak and Khu-khylu by Russian writers of the XIX century T. Belyaev and V. Dal in the culturological aspect made it possible to more clearly reflect the authenticity and uniqueness of folk traditions, rituals and customs, mythology and folklore of the Bashkir people, to deeply reveal the semantics of mythical images and motifs. In these stories the above mentioned connoisseurs of the art of word were attracted by the simple, almost childlike character of the Bashkirs, their authentic folklore, and what is most important, by their rich historical past. The literary works of these writers has played an invaluable role in preserving written versions of the Bashkir epic heritage as part of the cultural heritage of the people. Future continuation of the study of the given issue in this context will make it possible to research many ethnic works using both traditional methods of analysis and innovative research methods, which is a priority of the present and seems to be a promising trend in future.
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