English-Speaking Readers Got Acquainted with F.M. Dostoyevsky Works (Late XIX – Early XX c.)

  • Наталия Анатольевна Грищенко Сибирский федеральный университет (Красноярск) Email: ashatanatal@mail.ru
Keywords: bibliography of the translated novels, F. Whishaw, С. Garnett, Russian culture, epistolary prose, critical articles


This article aims to reveal the process of English-speaking readers’ acquaintance with F.M. Dostoevsky (late XIX – early XX c.). In order to achieve this goal, firstly, the article offers a bibliography of early translations of F. Dostoevsky’s works into English (his novels and letters), as well as some information about the research devoted to the writer and his books. Secondly, the article provides some reviews of scientists and readers, published in British magazines and newspapers (late XIX – early XX c.). They allow the author to understand the perception of F. Dostoevsky by the English-speaking audience and, to a certain extent, reveal the interests of the English-language society in F. Dostoevsky works.


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Author Biography

Наталия Анатольевна Грищенко, Сибирский федеральный университет (Красноярск)

кандидат филологических наук, доцент института управления бизнес-процессами и экономики


Достоевский Ф.М. Письма 1869–1874 // Полное собрание сочинений: В 30-и тт. Л., 1986. T. 29. Кн. 1.

Седельникова О.В., Шатохина А.О. Фредерик Уишоу и его роль в англо-русском культурном диалоге рубежа XIX – XX веков // Вестник науки Сибири. 2015. № 15.

Barber P.T., Zirin M.F., Barber E.W. Two thoughts with but a single mind. Crime and punishment and the writing of fiction. Pasadena CA., 2013.

Baring M. A year in Russia. London, 1907.

Baring M. Landmarks in Russian literature. London, 1910.

Baring M. An outline of Russian literature. London, 1915.

Classe O. Encyclopedia of literary translation into English. Vol. 1. London, Chicago, 2000.

Dostoevsky F. Idiot / tr. by F. Whishaw. N.Y., London, 1887.

Dostoevsky F. The friend of the family; and Gambler / tr. by F. Whishaw. London, 1887a.

Dostoevsky F. Uncle’s dream; and The permanent husband / tr. by F. Whishaw. London, 1888.

Dostoevsky F. Letters and reminiscences / tr. by S.S. Koteliansky, J. M. Murry. London, 1923.

E.M. de Vogue The Russian novelists / tr. by E.L. Edmands. Boston, 1887.

Flath C.A. Demons of translations: The strange path of Dostoevsky`s novels into the English tradition // Dostoevsky studies: journal of the International Dostoevsky Society. 2005. № 9.

London Times (article).What to read in Russian literature // The Lotus Magazine. V. 8. 1917.

Murry J.M. Fyodor Dostoyevsky. A critical study. London, 1916.

Simmons E.J. Dostoevsky: The making of a novelist. N.Y., 1962.

Wellek R. Introduction // Dostoevsky: a collection of critical essays. London, 1962.

How to Cite
Грищенко Н. А. English-Speaking Readers Got Acquainted with F.M. Dostoyevsky Works (Late XIX – Early XX c.) // Philology & Human, 2018, № 2. P. 29-40 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2018)2-03. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/pm/article/view/5062.
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