The Naked King of the Avant-garde: Mayakovsky in A. Afinogenov’s Play "Fear"

  • Александр Иванович Куляпин Алтайский государственный педагогический университет Email:
Keywords: avant-garde, aesthetics, psychology, behaviorism, context, metaphor


A. Afinogenov begins to work on the play Fear in April 1930. Suicide of V. Mayakovsky, which shook the whole country, occurred in the same month. It could not but affect the formation of the idea of the play. V. Mayakovsky’s comedy The Bedbug A. Afinogenov chooses as the main object of ideological and aesthetic polemics. Not long before the suicide, V. Mayakovsky left RAF (Revolutionary Arts Front) and joined the Russian Association of Proletarian Writers. A. Afinogenov was one of the leaders of this association. The severity of polemical attacks on the former futurist in the play is explained by the wary attitude toward V. Mayakovsky from the leaders of the RAPW. They doubted the sincerity of the poet. The variant of self-identification, elected by Mayakovsky, is contrasted with the fate of the hero of his comedy The Bedbug by Ivan Prisypkin, who turned from member of the party and prole into nepman Pierre Skripkin. The hero of the play Fear is experiencing an opposite metamorphosis. Nikolai Tsekhovoi is a pseudo-worker, he is the son of a military prosecutor, who entered the party by deceit.


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Author Biography

Александр Иванович Куляпин, Алтайский государственный педагогический университет

доктор филологических наук, профессор кафедры литературы


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How to Cite
Куляпин А. И. The Naked King of the Avant-garde: Mayakovsky in A. Afinogenov’s Play "Fear" // Philology & Human, 2018, № 2. P. 111-118 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2018)2-10. URL:
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