Comparative Analyses of Syntactic Constructions with the Semantics of Perception Featuring Verbals in French and Russian

  • Гюльнара Фирдависовна Лутфуллина Казанский государственный энергетический университет Email:
Keywords: perception, participle, verbal, syntactic construction


"Direct" evidentiality implies direct perception of situations. Synchronicity of the situation of perception and the perceived situation is a prerequisite for the category of perception. The semantic structure of utterances with the implementation of the category of perceptivity presupposes the presence of the perceiving part - the situation of perception. The object of perception is a dynamic, verbally expressed situation which corresponds to the perceived part of the statement. The present study proves that in both languages synchronicity of the situation of perception and the perceived situation involves the usage of participles and participial constructions to localize time in three ways: 1) synchronization at the acute moment of time; 2) synchronization in the future perspective; 3) dichronization through past participle which implies perception of the resulting situation. This is an obligatory condition of synchronism of the perception situation and the perceived situation in all languages.


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Author Biography

Гюльнара Фирдависовна Лутфуллина, Казанский государственный энергетический университет

доктор филологических наук, профессор кафедры иностранных языков


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How to Cite
Лутфуллина Г. Ф. Comparative Analyses of Syntactic Constructions with the Semantics of Perception Featuring Verbals in French and Russian // Philology & Human, 2018, № 1. P. 117-125. URL:
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