The Representation of Conditional Relations in the Folklore of Turkic Languages

  • Лениза Газинуровна Хабибуллина Институт языка, литературы и искусства имени Г. Ибрагимова Академии наук Республики Татарстан (Казань) Email:
Keywords: Turkic folklore, conditional relations, causal relations, temporal relations, condizionale-temporal semantics


The close connection of modern linguistics with philosophy, psychology, cultural studies has led to the development of anthropocentric trends in linguistics. Language is a constitutive characteristic of the human. The study of folklore languageallows to identify the distinction of the worldview of a definite nation. Turkic peoples have a huge national poetic heritage with a diverse genre palette, which is a unique source of spiritual and cultural achievements of the people. Linguistic description of folklore is interesting from the point of view of the study of the representation of the semantic phenomena in the language of folk art works. This article is devoted to the study of conditional relations on the material of examples from small genres of Turkic folklore. The study of the structure of paremiological constructions with conditional semantics, including the meanings of similarity and predictability, is of interest from the point of identifying formal indicators of these relations.


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Author Biography

Лениза Газинуровна Хабибуллина, Институт языка, литературы и искусства имени Г. Ибрагимова Академии наук Республики Татарстан (Казань)

кандидат филологических наук, научный сотрудник


Свеклова О.В. Синонимия в условных смысловых отношениях (на материале русского и чувашского языков) // Вестник Чувашского университета. 2010. № 4.

Сердюк М.А. Актуальные проблемы изучения фольклорных текстов // Вестник Тамбовского университета. Серия: Гуманитарные науки. 2009. № 2 (70).

How to Cite
Хабибуллина Л. Г. The Representation of Conditional Relations in the Folklore of Turkic Languages // Philology & Human, 2018, № 1. P. 160-166. URL:
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