Intertextuality as Major Sense-Making Text Feature (Exemplified by E. Dickinson’s Poem "Parting")

  • Илья Витальевич Сергодеев Снежинский физико-технический институт Национального исследовательского ядерного университета «МИФИ» Email:
Keywords: intertextuality, poetic text, text feature, semantic complex, context, interpretation


The article deals with the phenomenon of intertextuality as a separate text feature. The concept of intertextuality is defined in the narrow and broad sense from the perspective of the total of linguistic, cultural, interpretative and structural approaches. The overview of text feature typologies is given. Intertextuality is given the status of the major sense-making text feature. The notion of poetic text is defined. The analysis of semantic complex of a textual unit in poetic text is conducted. This analysis presents the cultural and textual peculiarities of intertextual nature of the given unit. The analysis results show the evolution of the textual unit’s sematic complex from the dictionary meaning to non-dictionary improvised meanings. The analysis is carried out in five steps: fragmentation, contextual analysis, search and defining of intertextual relations between the analyzed unit and units of addressed texts, contextual analysis of addressed texts, semantic synthesis. The poem Parting by an American poet E. Dickinson serves as practical material.


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Author Biography

Илья Витальевич Сергодеев, Снежинский физико-технический институт Национального исследовательского ядерного университета «МИФИ»

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How to Cite
Сергодеев И. В. Intertextuality as Major Sense-Making Text Feature (Exemplified by E. Dickinson’s Poem "Parting") // Philology & Human, 2019, № 3. P. 115-129 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2019)3-09. URL:
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