Linguocultural Potential of the Dedronym Oak and English-Celtic Oak Symbolism

  • Елена Ивановна Абрамова Московский государственный областной университет Email:
Keywords: dendronym, oak, Celtic, linguoculture, English culture, tree symbolism


The article considers the historical aspects of oak symbolism in European, Celtic and English cultures to correlate the image of the oak and the dendronym as its language representation. The paper describes the symbolism of the forest / wood, the tree and the oak, with its inherent totemic, esoteric and man-tree isomorphic character. The cultural potential of the dendronym is to transmit information about coexistence of human beings and nature, about the world view, ethical, moral traditions and background of the ethnos. The dendronym oak contributed significantly into English anthroponomical and toponymical systems. The lingvocultural analysis of idioms with the oak-component reveals the following characteristics of the oak in the English world view: strength, longevity, rigidity, slowness, conservatism, status, bravery, wisdom and knowledge, mysticism, mediation, closeness, tightness, measure, status in the natural world. The data obrained correlate with the ancient and medieval Celtic image of the oak, which indicates the stability of the oak symbolism. The specific features of the oak symbolism in the English culture are attributed to the crucial extra-linguistic events and phenomena in England.


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Author Biography

Елена Ивановна Абрамова, Московский государственный областной университет

кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры теории и практики английского языка 


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How to Cite
Абрамова Е. И. Linguocultural Potential of the Dedronym Oak and English-Celtic Oak Symbolism // Philology & Human, 2019, № 3. P. 66-82 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2019)3-06. URL:
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