Li Qingzhao: Poetry and Gender in Medieval China

  • Юрий Григорьевич Смертин Кубанский государственный университет Email:
Keywords: China, Song era, Ci-poetry, Li Qindzhao, lyrics, gender


The article is devoted to the works by the famous Chinese poetess Li Qingzhao, which are considered in the context of the history and culture of Song era. But first of all, the author analyzes the place of poetry in the spiritual life of the Chinese society, notes its unique social and political significance. The article examines the characteristics of poetic genres Shi and Ci. The latter was typical for Song poets, who used it to express intimate feelings and philosophical ideas.

Particular attention is paid to Li Qingzhao’s biography, since her lyric poems in the Ci–genre are closely connected with her life circumstances. Based on the testimonies of contemporaries, Li’s personal notes and her poems, the author concludes that the poetess was happy in her family and marriage realizing her creative abilities until Northern China was conquered by Jurchen. Due to this fact, she and her husband had to flee to the South. At this period considerable changes affected the poetess’s life and work. Her husband soon died, and Li spent the rest of her life in solitude. The poems of this period are full of sadness and nostalgia.

It is concluded that Li Qingzhao created her own poetic style, which has had a great influence on subsequent generations of Chinese poets; it is characterized by simplicity, elegance and sensuality.


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Author Biography

Юрий Григорьевич Смертин , Кубанский государственный университет

доктор исторических наук, профессор


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How to Cite
Смертин Ю. Г. Li Qingzhao: Poetry and Gender in Medieval China // Philology & Human, 2017, № 4. P. 101-113. URL:
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