The Motif of Death-Resurrection in the Novel «Crime and Punishment»by Dostoevsky and «Resurrection» by Tolstoy

  • Елена Александровна Масолова Новосибирский государственный технический университет Email:
Keywords: death, social, psychological, publicistic, Christian discourses


On the base of these novels the attitude of the characters to death and suicide was analyzed; people sentenced to death and the way of describing dead people were showndepicted. The impact of olfactory and oneiric codes, the memories about death, the power of nature and the Gospel, leading to the resurrection of of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy heroes, were also analyzed in this article. The mortal code in the novels coincides with a few exceptions: in «Crime and Punishment» the necrospace is Petersburg, in «Ressurection» it is the whole country. In Tolstoy’s novel there is no mystic communication with ghosts; Raskolnikov’s idea of blood paying for conscience is shown as a state strategy of exterminating people for «happiness of the humanity». Tolstoy emphasizes beauty and unrealized kindness in the faces of dead people; the mortal code in «Resurrection» does not only interlock with social, psychological discourses, but also with the journalistic one. In both novels the mortal code is predetermined by the Christian discourse, and they fuse at the end of the novel. The last chapter changes the attitude to death as something non-existing for resurrected Raskolnikov and Nekhludov.


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Author Biography

Елена Александровна Масолова , Новосибирский государственный технический университет

кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры филологии


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How to Cite
Масолова Е. А. The Motif of Death-Resurrection in the Novel «Crime and Punishment»by Dostoevsky and «Resurrection» by Tolstoy // Philology & Human, 2019, № 3. P. 7-18. URL:
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