Bunin’s Poems of Role All-Knowing «I» as a Cycle

  • Олег Николаевич Владимиров Новокузнецкого филиал (институт) Кемеровского государственного университета Email: vladi-oieg@yandex.ru
Keywords: Bunin, lyrical subject, cycle, cycle-forming bounds


The article studies five poems by I.A. Bunin, considered as a whole text. The main cycle-forming bond of the poems «Пустошь» (Wasteland), «Отчаяние» (Desperation), «Мать» (Mother) («НапутиизНазарета…»), «Застепью, вприволжскихпесках…» («Ворде» (In Orda)), «Встреча» (Encounter), created in different periods of time, is the lyrical subject, conventionally defined as the all-knowing «I». The article pays particular attention to the origin of this character by I.A. Bunin. Being polygenic and irreducible to just one of the mentioned images, it is suggested such a character should be close to Ahasuerus and Cain. Alongside with other common features of this poetic entity – such as chronotope, circumstances of the encounter,realizations what he saw, Biblical imagery, different aspects of dialectics of slavery and freedom – the specific form of lyrical utterance is used by the author to express his conception of history.


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Author Biography

Олег Николаевич Владимиров , Новокузнецкого филиал (институт) Кемеровского государственного университета

кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры русского языка, литературы, методики обучения 


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How to Cite
Владимиров О. Н. Bunin’s Poems of Role All-Knowing «I» as a Cycle // Philology & Human, 2019, № 3. P. 29-41. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/pm/article/view/6411.
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