The Conceptual Field of the Language Internal Determinant in G.P. Mel’nikov’s Linguistic Theory

  • Ольга Ивановна Валентинова Российский университет дружбы народов (Москва) Email:
  • Михаил Анатольевич Рыбаков Российский университет дружбы народов (Москва) Email:
Keywords: determinant, linguistic typology, general linguistics, system


The article studies the concept of the internal determinant of the language, proposed by the founder of system linguistics G.P. Mel’nikov who developed of the idea of V. von Humboldt about the internal form of the language. This concept is analyzed as the semantic core of the conceptual field, embracing closely related concepts of the morphological type of the language, the nominative and communicative perspectives of the representation of a situation in a typical utterance, ways of organizing grammatical semantics in languages of various types. The established types of internal determinants allow us to consider the language system in close interrelation of statics and dynamics and to find causal relationships and patterns of development in diachronic changes of the language. The research shows that the concept of the internal determinant of the language developed by G.P. Mel’nikov provides an opportunity to interpret the traditional morphological classification of languages as a system of types that are opposed by their internal determinant in historically formed specific communicative conditions that act as the external determinant of languages.


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Author Biographies

Ольга Ивановна Валентинова , Российский университет дружбы народов (Москва)

доктор филологических наук, профессор кафедры общего и русского языкознания 

Михаил Анатольевич Рыбаков , Российский университет дружбы народов (Москва)

кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры общего и русского языкознания


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How to Cite
Валентинова О. И., Рыбаков М. А. The Conceptual Field of the Language Internal Determinant in G.P. Mel’nikov’s Linguistic Theory // Philology & Human, 2019, № 3. P. 63-75. URL:
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