Problems of Knowledge Transmission in the French and Russian Contexts of Opinion

  • Карина Хаджиевна Рекош Московский государственный институт международных отношений МИД России Email:
Keywords: transmission of knowledge, the context of opinions, rogue-state, verbalization, equivalents, dialogue of cultures, language picture of the world


The article deals with the phenomenon of transmission of knowledge with the help of language, which is considered as a special case of knowledge transfer occurring at the level of one culture, one language or in the dialogue of cultures (translation) creating the specificity of relations between knowledge, referents, sense and meanings. Transmission of knowledge in the same language is possible in the case of changing referents, of transition from one sphere to another, from material to virtual, from abstract to concrete. When translating from one language to another, the problem of transfer of knowledge is complicated by the presence of two cultures and two languages, each with its own inner form and a world view that force the translator not to transfer knowledge from the original but to look for equivalents or to make transfers with elements of the target language. The study of this problem particularly in the context of opinion shows that knowledge is separable from language and not completely transferable. If the question of the truth of knowledge is not in doubt, the verity of opinions may hinder the transmission and be the subject of agreement.


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Author Biography

Карина Хаджиевна Рекош, Московский государственный институт международных отношений МИД России

кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры французского языка


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How to Cite
Рекош К. Х. Problems of Knowledge Transmission in the French and Russian Contexts of Opinion // Philology & Human, 2019, № 3. P. 75-84. URL:
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