The Specificity of Representation of Events of Spatial Orientation in the Semantics of English Verbs Sit, Stand and Lie
The problem under discussion is the semantic peculiarities of the English verbs sit, stand and lie and patterns of spatial orientation represented by them. The attention is focused on the main types of situations of rest indicated by verbs of this group. The English verbs sit, stand and lie are initially associated with the nomination of a situation describing the position of the human body in space. Then their use expanded to include the nomination of the position of other objects of the surrounding world. Basing on the expression of sensory experience, subject-practical and mental activity of the speaker in relation to situations categorized in the verbs sit, stand and lie, we can talk about the following types of situations of rest of animate and inanimate objects: the posture of the object; the location of the object; metaphorical uses, including the conceptual metaphor «Receptacle / Container». The choice of a verb in each of the situations mentioned above depends on specific object parameters covered in this article.
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