Artistic symbolism of I.Turgenev as a manifestation of romantic spirit of his works

  • Marina Kurbakova Moscow State Machine-Building University Email:
Keywords: romantic symbolism, symbolic system, Hegelian esthetics, romantic lyrics, esthetical ideal


The article considers the artistic symbolism of the writer as a reflection of the literary movement of his work, and analyzes it. The history of the issue on this topic originated a long time ago; it is quite extensive and causes undoubted interest. The peculiarity of the romantic view is associated with the personality of the writer and the inherent deep psychologism, psychophysics of his personality. The symbolic system in the Turgenev’s works is filled with Hegelian ideas about the inextricable relationship between the life of Nature and a man, which the writer adopted and developed. This relationship lies in the field of parallel processes occurring in them. A lot of attention in the work is paid to the forces of inertness and egoism, which, according to the author, are also engines of progress. This whole set of ideas, reflecting the various facets of human being and constituting the basis of the romantic system and the symbolism of his work, gives rise to a significant layer of symbolic details filling his works with a special artistic “sound”, where rich love symbolism has become a separate “ornament”.


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How to Cite
Kurbakova M. Artistic symbolism of I.Turgenev as a manifestation of romantic spirit of his works // Philology & Human, 2021, № 1. P. 95-113 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2021)1-07. URL:
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