Phonetic Level of the Text as the Interpretation Determinant

  • I.N. Dyachenko Altai State University Email:
Keywords: phonosemantic dominance, conceptual system, sound instrumenting means, dominant meaning, emotions


I.N. Dyachenko. Phonetic Level of the Text as the Interpretation Determinant. The article deals with modern paradigms of the text analysis. The text is considered the result of speech activity. The speech activity is an indispensable part of any individual’s activity. Recently, linguistics emphasizes that language is the way of representation of an individual’s mentality and consciousness. The text understanding is based on the system of concepts. As a result, the perception of the author’s idea is possible. The following approach is topical in the original text analysis. The interpreter is reconstructing the original text content within the frameworks of his/her own conceptual system. We have to mention that the absolute identity of the conceptual systems of the author and the interpreter is impossible because of their uniqueness. In cross-cultural translation the interpreter has to get the dominant meaning, emotive and phonosemantic content of the original text.


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How to Cite
Dyachenko I. Phonetic Level of the Text as the Interpretation Determinant // Philology & Human, 2021, № 1. P. 7-19 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2021)1-01. URL:
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