The Concept of THOUGHT in the Mirror of Cultural Codes (based on the Texts of Fiction)

  • Marina Rumyantseva Tyumen State Medical University Email:
Keywords: linguaculturology, culture, language, concept, cultural code, metaphorical comparison


Modern linguistics, within the framework of the anthropocentric paradigm, tries to solve the fundamental issues of the trichotomy "reality-consciousness-language", therefore, the issues of consideration of various concepts presented in language are of particular relevance. The conceptual analysis of abstract concepts is difficult for researchers, so the problem of reflecting the inner world of a person in the language of concepts is of particular interest. The purpose of this study is not to describe the entire structure of the concept of THOUGHT in its linguistic expression, but only to analyze the cultural codes that this concept, which relates to the mental sphere of the inner world, is represented in language. The study showed that the mental concept of THOUGHT, passing through the prism of metaphorical comparison, is represented through such cultural codes as cosmic, natural, biomorphic and objective. The conclusion is made that in the consciousness of the Russian person there are ideas about the universal mind, about thought as a material, living entity, capable of continuing to live after the death of its bearer and becoming the property of other people.


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How to Cite
Rumyantseva M. The Concept of THOUGHT in the Mirror of Cultural Codes (based on the Texts of Fiction) // Philology & Human, 2021, № 2. P. 7-18 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2021)2-01. URL:
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