Love as a Liberation in Anchee Min’s "Wild Ginger"

  • Ekaterina Karavaeva Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Email:
Keywords: Anchee Min, love, personal freedom


The article explores the motif of love in a totalitarian society in Anchee Min’s novel “Wild Ginger”. Though an American citizen, Anchee Min belongs to a group of modern Chinese-American writers whose interests focus around the past of her home country China. Childhood and teenage years which Min spent in Communist China provided her with a lot of material for her later novels. In Wild Ginger through a classic plot of love triangle the writer approaches the motif of love in the times of Cultural Revolution. The author examines love as a relationship between a man and a woman, and as a religious feeling and communist ideology. Grotesque becomes the main literary device. Over-exaggeration bordering on incredibility expresses the author’s rejection of the surrounding reality. Intertwining comical and tragical situations, the novels brings the reader to a conclusion that love is the only means of attainting personal freedom and maturity in a totalitarian society.



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How to Cite
Karavaeva E. Love as a Liberation in Anchee Min’s "Wild Ginger" // Philology & Human, 2021, № 1. P. 185-192 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2021)1-14. URL:
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