The “Lyrical World” as One of the Manifestations of the Existential Quests of the Characters of G. I. Gazdanov’s Novels when They Perceive Music

  • Anastasia Kukhtenkova Novosibirsk Aircraft Lyceum Email:
Keywords: lexical textual paradigms, leitmotif, lyrical world


The article presents the employment of lexical textual paradigms in the explications of related motives in the novels by G. I.  Gazdanov (lyrical world and musical stories). The associative-synonymous microfield lyric world, including metaphorical periphrases, repetitions, different ways of describing the functioning of contextual synonymy, is correlated with the associative-thematic microfield, which is built by the hyponyms reflecting the theme of music, and the distinctive-feature words are signals of states of a performer or a listener of musical sounds. The compositional relation and the significance of these leitmotifs in the manifestations of their confessional character, the prospective function, and the emigrant subtext are established. That is, the reference to the representation of the lyrical world in the works of this writer reveals the interaction of related leitmotifs, reflecting the depths of the characters' confessional nature, the manifestation of their "spiritual psychobiography." The compositional frame of harmonious balance, emotional calmness is the basis of the lyrical world. A specific feature of G.I. Gazdanov’s ideostyle is the supporting of the lyrical world with musical sounds, a blurred boundary between leitmotifs.


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How to Cite
Kukhtenkova A. The “Lyrical World” as One of the Manifestations of the Existential Quests of the Characters of G. I. Gazdanov’s Novels when They Perceive Music // Philology & Human, 2021, № 1. P. 134-144 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2021)1-09. URL:
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