Representation of a Film Recipient in Neologisms of the English Cinematic Discourse

  • Polina Biryukova Kuban State University Email:
Keywords: cinematic discourse, neologisms, film recipient, chainwatch, knitflix, difficult man


This work analyzes English neologisms of cinematic discourse that characterize a film recipient – they name the viewers, describe the process of their perception of TV content, denote acceptance or rejection of its content, the incentive nature of cinema. Based on the semantic components contained in the definitions and/or the contextual field of the neologisms at hand, a conclusion was drawn on the ever-growing role of cinematography in a personal life of a 21st century person, its ubiquity in daily life both in the form of a moving image and in other incarnations. The neologisms under consideration indicate that viewers analyze TV content, discuss it, engage in productive activity while watching a movie, visit filming locations, and see images of famous characters in their natural habitat. A certain range of neologisms in English cinematic discourse speaks of the tendency of a significant number of modern film recipients to popularize negative characters, to justify their immoral acts. However, this work also emphasizes that this is not the first time this trend is taking place.


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How to Cite
Biryukova P. Representation of a Film Recipient in Neologisms of the English Cinematic Discourse // Philology & Human, 2021, № 2. P. 97-105 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2021)2-08. URL:
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