Bunin's Plots in "Another Life" by Yuri Trifonov

  • Oleg Vladimirov Novokuznetsk branch of Kemerovo State University Email: vladi-oleg@yandex.ru
Keywords: Bunin, Trifonov, Fet, reminiscence, dialogue, influence


The article deals with the influence of Bunin's works on a novel by Trifonov "Another Life" («Другая жизнь»). In addition to direct and implicit reminiscences from verse and prose by Bunin, the plot of the story "Cold Autumn" («Холодная осень») is especially significant to the novel. The poem "What a cold Autumn!" («Какая холодная осень!») by Fet is a kind of a mediator between the two works, the first two lines of which are quoted in both writings by Bunin and Trifonov. The story and the novel correlated in terms of their theme, plot, composition and characters, are conceptually close in understanding the problem of "a person's private life and history". The correlation of the heroes' fates with epoch-making events taking place in these texts, as well as other concordances, bring us to the conclusion that the inclusion of Bunin's works supports Trifonov's concept of the world and the person – the uniqueness of individual human existence in the context of History. The writer, who like his hero Sergei Troitsky overcomes the formally ideological understanding of history, is attracted by Bunin's artistic experience of comprehension of memory, love, and nature metaphysics.


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Author Biography

Oleg Vladimirov, Novokuznetsk branch of Kemerovo State University

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature


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How to Cite
Vladimirov O. Bunin’s Plots in "Another Life" by Yuri Trifonov // Philology & Human, 2021, № 2. P. 50-62 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2021)2-04. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/pm/article/view/8541.
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