Modelling Speech Genre as a Field (case Study of Elite Brand Goods in Instagram)

  • Savochkina Elena Altai State University Email:
Keywords: speech genre, secondary speech genre, genre field, genre field core, genre field periphery


The article is striving to describe one of the genres of advertising discourse – the advertising of elite brand goods in Instagram – through the theory of speech genres. The study is based on the following principles of the theory: all communication phenomena can be described through their primary or secondary nature; any speech genre has a field structure. A field consists of a core represented by features opposing this genre to other genres, and periphery represented by shared features. Field features of a genre are represented by language units of different levels grouped around some invariant content which depends on the topic and aim of communication. We have built a field model of speech genre of advertising of elite brand goods in Instagram, where the core features are word-play, highly expressive vocabulary and allusions which all aim to create positive image of elite goods. The field periphery has been split into closer periphery (common for all e-advertising) and farther periphery (represented by features common for advertising in general). The features of closer periphery are instant, ubiquitous and interactive nature. The features of farther periphery are informative and evaluative character, inducement and creolized nature.


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Author Biography

Savochkina Elena, Altai State University

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Linguistics, Translation and Foreign Languages



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How to Cite
Elena S. Modelling Speech Genre as a Field (case Study of Elite Brand Goods in Instagram) // Philology & Human, 2021, № 3. P. 47-60 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2021)3-05. URL:
Филология: люди, факты, события
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