The Problems of Media Strategy Transformation of Russian Regional Television Broadcasting Companies in the Context of the Crisis of Traditional Media

  • Elizaveta Manskova Altai State University Email:
Keywords: media strategy, digital television, regional television, media consumption, new media


The article deals with the problems faced by the regional television market in the context of the growing popularity of new media and the transition of Russia to a digital broadcasting format. Regional and municipal television broadcasting, having lost traditional platforms for promoting their content, faced the necessity to develop new platforms in a short time. The new media environment required regional TV companies to review the promotion concepts. The author of the article is the developer of one of such concepts of rebranding and relaunching a regional television studio in a new format, and, based on practical experience, analyzes the factors and difficulties of transformation of media strategies of regional TV companies.  Five blocks of problems were identified as a result of testing of the concept of a new regional broadcasting. They include: project management, its staffing and financial support, analysis and interpretation of modern media measurements, transition to new video content formats adapted to digital platforms.


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How to Cite
Manskova E. The Problems of Media Strategy Transformation of Russian Regional Television Broadcasting Companies in the Context of the Crisis of Traditional Media // Philology & Human, 2021, № 4 DOI: 10.14258/(2021)4-12. URL:
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