About the Role of the Hidden Text Equivalents in the Editions of the Poem “The Demon” by Mikhail Lermontov

  • Marina Grebneva Altai State University Email: grmarinagr@mail.ru
Keywords: editions of the poem, hidden text equivalents, composition, plot, themes, images


The publication examines the role of the hidden text equivalents in the editions of the poem “The Demon” at the figurative, thematic, plot, compositional levels. In the editions of the poem “The Demon” by Lermontov there are various equivalents of the text: unrealized, unclaimed, having a variable character, replaced by previous and subsequent options, hidden. The listed types of text equivalents not only testify to the graphic features of Lermontov's verse, but also make it possible to identify encrypted information demonstrating the nature of the author's work in the poem, to emphasize their special productive role, indicating how “The Demon” gradually changed, how over time it turned from a romantic poem into a poetic story. This type of the text equivalents allows to emphasize the meaning of the fallen angel and the devil in love themes, the images of the main character, Tamara and the prince, to show how the plot of the poem gradually changed, to demonstrate the mirror structure of the composition, in particular, due to the motives of waiting, the kiss, death, the hand.



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Author Biography

Marina Grebneva, Altai State University

Doctor of Philology, Professor


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How to Cite
Grebneva M. About the Role of the Hidden Text Equivalents in the Editions of the Poem “The Demon” by Mikhail Lermontov // Philology & Human, 2021, № 4 DOI: 10.14258/(2021)4-13. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/pm/article/view/9901.
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