Faulty Spelling and Punctuation as the Main Feature of Spelling of the Russian language at the Beginning of the XXI century

  • Natalya Nikolenkova Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Email: natanik2004@mail.ru
Keywords: Russian written language of the beginning of the XXI century, spelling and punctuation norms


The article examines the current spelling trends, which many linguists, especially specialists in the culture of speech, consider dangerous in terms of preserving the norms of the Russian literary language and, first of all, the norms of spelling and punctuation. The rapid growth of illiterate spelling causes general dissatisfaction, however, the analysis of appearance of such spelling from linguistic angle has not been carried out. While grammar mistakes have already become the subject of analysis by linguists, only extralinguistic criticism applies to spelling literacy. In this article, the author tries to combine linguistic and extralinguistic factors and determine the causes of mass deviations from spelling and punctuation norms of the Russian language today. Much attention is paid to the importance of philologists’ activity, whose purpose is to define the reasons of use recommended rules of spelling by a common person.


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How to Cite
Nikolenkova N. Faulty Spelling and Punctuation as the Main Feature of Spelling of the Russian language at the Beginning of the XXI century // Philology & Human, 2022, № 2 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2022)2-03. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/pm/article/view/9909.
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