The Image of Sea Maid in the Poetry of K.D. Balmont

  • Gleb Mamatov Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Email:
Keywords: K. Balmont, image of sea maid, lyrics, poetical philosophy, mythopoetic


The article is a complex case study of 23 poems presenting the image of the sea maid in lyric poetry of K.D. Balmont. The following conclusions has been made in the course of the works: the image of the sea maid tends to be frequent in love and erotic lyrics and is linked with decadence motives; many texts are permeated with characters of Slavic folklore, besides, it is important that some poems are poetical ‘renditions’ of famous epic songs and legends from Russian, Polish and Lithuanian folklore. Still most of the poems with folklore symbolism answer aesthetic views of the poet himself and are linked to his solar cult and his understanding of the sun as a universal creative principle, and to Balmont’s conception of beauty and harmony as a synthesis of opposed nature elements. The image of the sea maid is multifaceted in Balmont’s poetry, its development expresses the evolution of author’s worldview from typical decadence erotic and mortal motives aesthetic understanding of the nature of beauty and integrity of the world.


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Список источников

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How to Cite
Mamatov G. The Image of Sea Maid in the Poetry of K.D. Balmont // Philology & Human, 2022, № 1. P. 140-148 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2022)1-11. URL:
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